Be the Best You Newsletter + Free Download

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that I have spruced up my weekly newsletter by adding a free download to it.

What will you get?

  • A pretty weight chart to log your weights. I have done this myself and it helps me to see trends in my weight and just feel like I’m on top of my game.
  • A snappy non-scale victory chart to write down your victories that have nothing to do with the scale, such as running a faster mile, walking a longer distance or faster pace, fitting into a new size shirt or jeans, more energy, the list goes on and on as to how many non-scale victories you could see.

All you have to do is click this link: Be the Best You Weekly Newsletter, fill in your email address and first name and then hit subscribe. The download will be sent directly to your email so you can save and print it whenever you feel like!

Here is a small sneak peek of one of the charts:

weight chart

The first newsletter is set to come out this Sunday and will feature an abundance of behind-the-scenes information, inspiration, stories, and many more. Here are some of the newsletter highlights that you can look forward to receiving each week:

  • New this week: Recap of what we released this past week.
  • Special Inside Look: What we are working on to release soon!
  • Behind the Scenes Project: A look at this week’s project.
  • Tricks & Tips: Seasonal/holiday tips and tricks for healthy living, helpful links or websites/apps, helpful articles, etc.
  • Advice Column! Ask me anything, advice or specific tips you would like to see highlighted in an upcoming newsletter or in my blog.
  • Exclusive Discounts: Occasionally (likely once a month) you will receive exclusive discounts on products, current products as well as new products that I release.
  • And… a monthly freebie! Once a month you will get a free download through our newsletter! This is an exclusive item that only my newsletter subscribers will receive! This and the exclusive discounts are my gifts for you for just signing up for my newsletter!



P.S. Don’t worry because if you don’t like what you see, whether it be the download or the newsletter itself, you can always unsubscribe!

Want more free downloads? Check out this blog post about a FREE Getting Started Weight Loss Workbook!

Weight Loss Support Group

weight loss support group

This is a survey of sorts for a “service” I would like to provide to others on their weight loss journeys. Please leave me a comment or email answering the questions or simply stating if this would be of value to you. The online support group for weight loss would be either in video or chat form. I have to figure out where to host this service but already have two or three ideas, and will be keeping you up-to-date as I figure it out!

I would also provide healthy living tools and/or challenges each week to keep incentive and motivation as high as possible. Ideally I would provide at least two meeting times each week for this support group to meet up online, such as at least one morning and one evening time, but maybe even a weekend meeting.

  1. Would you find value in an online weight loss support group hosted by someone who has successfully lost weight themselves?
  2. What kind of tools or features would you like to see in such a service? For example, a virtual weekly weigh-in (either posting the weight or posting a picture of the number on the scale), weekly check-ins with calories or exercise logs, etc.
  3. What time of day would work best for you personally, and weekday or weekend? (This information will be used in determining the best times each week to set up this group).
  4. How much would you be willing to pay each week or month for membership fees? Other groups charge a monthly or yearly fee for a similar service. Mine would be kept low because I believe in keeping things affordable, but am interested to hear how much you would think would be reasonable per week/month. I will likely make the first meeting completely free so people can try it out before paying.
  5. BONUS: Which would you prefer: conference type video or live chat with/without photos?

typing coffee

All information will be used to best serve you! If you use the contact form below, the information will also be kept confidential.

You don’t need to answer ALL of those questions, you can answer whatever you feel like answering or none at all of course! Thank you in advance for any feedback! Here is my contact form so you can email me directly if you prefer that over leaving a comment with your answers:


P.S. Check out my goals e-course: Goals to Become the Best You. It is a step-by-step guide with my help and assistance to make and pursue goals in a way that works for you! We have all felt discouraged or unmotivated to meet our goals. The trick is knowing how to go about your goals in a manner that can fuel you to move forward! Included is a 16 page workbook + guide, separate resources, and personal help through the community in the course. All this for the low introductory price of $30!

Join the Be the Best You: Behind the Scenes weekly newsletter mailing list here for exclusive content and behind the scenes information!


Visit my direct website for two free downloads: Be the Best You website. One is a vacation weight loss tips and the other is a Getting Started Weight Loss Workbook which will help you get off to a great start with your weight loss journey. Check them out!

FREE Weight Loss Workbook (Improved)

A couple weeks ago I released a free Getting Started weight loss workbook. I have now improved it by adding even more helpful information and am re-releasing the new version. If you are just getting started or are having a hard time continuing in your own weight loss journey, this workbook is for you. Even if you’re far along in your journey and just need some guidance, you could find exactly what you need right here!

Sometimes it’s hard to get started or to simply get moving in the right direction. Life throws us for a lot of loops, and constantly challenges us. This workbook will help give you something to think about and look back on when the going gets tough! It solidifies your resolve in your mind and will help you document your progress in more ways than one.

weight loss workbook

Download directly from my website: Be the Best You website and click on the green button under the workbook title! I hope you like it and find it even more helpful than the first version! There is also my free Vacation Tips as well if you want to download that as well.

Coming Next Week: I will be starting a mini course about setting and keeping goals for the low price of $30. Keep your eyes open for that if you want to join. If you download this workbook and let me know what you think via email, I will give you a code for 15% off the course when it comes time to enroll!

You can also sign up for my weekly newsletter mailing list with this link: Be the Best You Newsletter or click on the link in the sidebar! The newsletter will be filled with behind the scenes information and tips, as well as free exclusive email surprises once a month! I will be releasing the newsletter in November, join now so you will receive it when it comes out!

Edited to add:
It seems that WordPress or my website are having glitches, so if you want the download and can’t get the link above to work, use this contact form to send me an email and I will email it directly to you.
Thank you for your patience!


Top 5 Reasons Why I Love Walking

Why I love walking as a form of exercise… It may not be an intense workout, but it gives me a whole lot of mental benefits!

#1: I’m FREE! Free, free as a bird! Quite simply, it gives me a break from my crazy, chaotic house. Sometimes it is too overwhelming and noisy to be at home and I need a serious breather!

#2: I can finally… think! If you have small children in your house, you know how truly hard it is to have any coherent thoughts! My walking (or any exercise where I don’t have a child interrupting me every other second), is a chance to have clear thoughts, what I call my “profound” thoughts. Now if I retain whatever profound thoughts I had by the time I finish and return to the craziness is a discussion for another day!

#3: Nature, beautiful nature. I love admiring the trees, grass, and other plants. Not to mention the ever entertaining creatures. Squirrels, chipmunks, bunnies, and birds can certainly be really entertaining and just plain beautiful to look at sometimes!

#4: Fresh air and sunshine. Sure this actually falls under the “nature” category, however I think it deserves its very own listing. I love the fresh air and sunshine. As long as the heat or humidity is not suffocating me, these two things are refreshing and invigorating!

#5: Variety in routes and length. Never a dull moment if you can change your routes day-to-day, and also challenge yourself to hit certain distances.

There you have it, a simple list as to why walking is still one of my favorite forms of exercise after almost a year and a half of healthy living.

What is your favorite form of exercise and why?


Loving Yourself

love yourself

In this day and age, it is so important to practice self-love because even if we have loved ones in our lives that truly show how much they love and appreciate us, we still need to have a healthy dose of love for ourselves. Media and negative people are all over the place and can bombard us with critical thoughts. However, we can build a strong defense against these thoughts by being kind to ourselves and building love in our hearts.

Yes, I know it is so much easier to say than to do, but with time and practice you can get there! For me personally, I’m still working on it which makes it that much more important to me to share this with you all. To be honest, some days I can’t stop criticizing myself no matter how many times I correct myself right away. As soon as I have a critical thought about myself, I think “Don’t be so mean to yourself,” and try to replace it with something positive. For example, I chide myself for saying something that felt stupid, and instead say, “You’re human, that’s perfectly understandable and that person isn’t dissecting your words like you are. It was just a normal conversation and you didn’t say anything wrong.”

It’s a process like anything else, but is very worth doing and practicing on a daily basis. You will get to a place where you love yourself as much as others love you, or even more!

So I challenge you… to post or write down THREE things about yourself, your abilities, or your accomplishments that you like! Look back on this list when you’re feeling down or simply need a boost.

Bonus: post or write down one thing you can do each day that will show love for yourself and/or build your self-esteem. Make sure it’s something you can fit into your everyday life and stick with.

I will post in the comments my own response to this challenge, so feel free to read that to get some ideas for your own! Just remember that you are a unique person with a lot to offer, to yourself as well as others. You are indeed strong and powerful!


Weight Loss Tips and Advice

weight loss tips and advice


Have you ever had a question about weight loss and couldn’t find the answer? It can be hard to navigate forums and websites sometimes to find exactly the right information you’re looking for, even if you used Google (or another search engine) to do so. I’m offering to pass along the wisdom that I’ve accumulated over the course of my own weight loss journey. I am by no means an expert, but I have “been there done that,” in many weight loss related topics.

A little about me: I’m a 27 year old named Bonnie, and I have been focusing on my health and weight loss over the past sixteen months. I have lost 120+ pounds so far, and still have around 40 left to lose. I have babysat my two toddler nephews a minimum of 40-65 hours a week throughout my journey and live with them as well so they’re always around which can make things challenging. I have also attended one semester of school and juggling the whole healthy living, school, and babysitting was tough as well. Now I have just begun my own mainly online business and working hard to get it up and running adds a whole new level of challenge to the healthy living.

My journey has been a long one so far, and it can be trying at times, but I’m never going to stop moving forward. I love my new life too much to do so! Now I want to help others do the same thing, to find the strength and power within themselves to lose weight, improve their health, and find the confidence they need to live life to its fullest. Some things I have gained over the course of my journey is more confidence in myself and what I am capable of, improved overall health, less depression and anxiety issues, and so much more.

Me before I started to now! A work in progress but have come so far already!
Me before I started to now! A work in progress but have come so far already!

You can read more of my story in a couple of my past blogs: here and here, if you would like to know a bit more about me than the condensed version above. I would also like to invite you to download my freebies which are located above in the “Freebies” tab at the top of the page through a link. Right now there are only two, but there will be more to come in the near future.

Do you have any weight loss or healthy living related questions you would like answered? Would you like a listening ear to just discuss things with or a sounding board for ideas? Feel free to post any questions, ask for advice, or help needed in any form about weight loss or how to overcome obstacles. You can post them in the comments below or you can email me directly using the form below. I would like to help you in any way I can. If I don’t know an answer, I will let you know that as well.


How to Spend as Little as $50 for a Wardrobe

These aren’t mindboggling tips that I’m about to share with you, but if you’re losing weight clothing can get really expensive and I want to share some tips that I’ve personally found helpful!

clothing on a budget

How to spend less than $100 per wardrobe while losing weight:

Number 1: Thrift Stores

Sometimes even thrift stores can be out of our price limits with $5 clothing pieces. That’s a whole lot cheaper than a brand new piece of clothing in most places, but my trick is using the sales days at thrift stores to hit the jackpot. My personal favorite is the 50% off day at Goodwill, but there isn’t one of those everywhere and I’m not sure if they have that sale at all of their locations either. However, nearly all thrift stores have a day where clothing is 20-50% off at least once a month to get people coming in. So my suggestion is to do your homework and go on those days, get as many quality pieces of clothing as you can. You might even find a brand new piece of clothing with a tag still on it for a lot cheaper than the store. I know I’ve found at least a few such pieces in the past year.

The good thing about thrift stores is they have almost every type of clothing right there, usually pretty well organized in sections. You can find shirts, pants, skirts/dresses, jackets, sweatshirts, shoes, etc. The downside of course is that they are nearly all used clothing. If you don’t have a problem with that after a good washing at home, then this is a great place to get your clothes. Chances are you have 2-3 different thrift stores (not all chains) in your town with sales on different days where you can hit them all and get even more bang for your buck. Also, don’t forget to go early in the day so that you have even more pieces to choose from!

Number 2: Yard Sales

Obviously this is another choice where the clothing is used, but sometimes we can’t be choosy if we want to save money on our clothes as we lose weight. The good thing about yard sales is that you can haggle, and get the price per piece of clothing down even lower than they marked the clothes for. How much each piece of clothing is depends on the person holding the yard sale and the brand of clothing. However, you can get clothes for as little as $0.50-1 a piece with some where they just want to get rid of clothes. Of course, some might be as high as $5 a piece or even more expensive depending on different factors.

The downside of yard sales is it’s harder to find clothes in specific sizes unless they advertise it ahead of time, and it’s also harder finding exactly what you need if you’re looking for something specific. If you have the time and gas though, search newspaper and online ads and see who is posting sizes and/or just go out yard sale hopping!

Number 3: Clearance Racks

Now here is an option even when you don’t want something used… hit all those clearance clothing racks at various stores. Kmart and Walmart might give you more choices for less money, but Target and other stores are great as well. If you know the system they use to mark down their clothing, you could save even more money. These systems are sometimes posted online and on social media by people who used to work at these stores. I know my mom has given me tips for different stores that she’s worked at, but I can’t for the life of me remember any because I don’t go shopping often lol.

Prices vary greatly for clearance clothing as well, but you can get pieces of clothing as low as $3 and up to $15+ depending. I have actually found exercise shorts and shirts for $3 a piece at Walmart. The downside to this is it’s mostly by chance to find exactly what you’re looking for, and you get tempted by other more expensive deals on clothing around the clearance racks… which is probably exactly how they plan it! 🙂

Number 4: Store Sales

Keep track of the sales at the stores in your area. Sometimes you can find great sales and coupons in the ads! This saves a lot of money if you’re diligent! I know bigger department stores such as Kohl’s and JC Penney’s sometimes have coupons in their ads, to get a certain amount off if you spend a certain amount or more. This is more expensive as their clothing is more expensive per piece, and some have exclusions like no clearance. A lot of them will allow you to use the coupons on sales items though, so choose wisely!

Obviously with Thanksgiving coming up soon, you could also shop on Black Friday if you’re brave enough and find many deals that way as well. I’ve never done this myself but I’ve heard and seen great deals advertised for that day.

Number 5: Discount Stores

There are more and more of these types of stores popping up places: $5 a piece or less! I know one just opened in my town and before when I lived in California there was one as well. Sometimes the clothing is very cheaply made though, but it could serve it’s purpose while you’re losing weight since you only need it temporarily until the next size. However, if you want quality clothing, take a peek at these stores and try the other tips mentioned as well.

Now I’m sure I haven’t listed everything out there as I’m not a big “bargain hunter,” but these are some of the things I’ve done myself over the past year or my mom has done in her own weight loss journey. I have spent as little as $50 on each size’s wardrobe as I lost weight just by going to Goodwill’s 50% off sale a few times. I usually browse different sizes and grab a few in each size that I will be fitting into soon to be prepared for that size. I have found many cute and beautiful items there which is super motivational! Using all of these tips, you have a great chance of spending a mere $50-100 for a wardrobe that should fit you anywhere from 3 to 6 months as you are steadily losing weight.

Other tips would be to make your current clothing last longer by using a belt to hold up your pants to make it last a couple size reductions. I have also used a scrunchie/hair tie at one point to tie a baggy tee shirt to the side like the style of a long time ago, just to make it look less baggy. You could also save a little each month to do this budgeted clothes shopping or for even more expensive clothing while losing weight. Each little bit will add up and take some of the pressure off when the time comes. I personally like to look as sharp as I can in whatever clothes I am wearing: tee shirts, workout clothes, jeans, skirts, dress pants, etc. so I like having a variety and the tips above have helped me do so!
