Be the Best You Newsletter + Free Download

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that I have spruced up my weekly newsletter by adding a free download to it.

What will you get?

  • A pretty weight chart to log your weights. I have done this myself and it helps me to see trends in my weight and just feel like I’m on top of my game.
  • A snappy non-scale victory chart to write down your victories that have nothing to do with the scale, such as running a faster mile, walking a longer distance or faster pace, fitting into a new size shirt or jeans, more energy, the list goes on and on as to how many non-scale victories you could see.

All you have to do is click this link: Be the Best You Weekly Newsletter, fill in your email address and first name and then hit subscribe. The download will be sent directly to your email so you can save and print it whenever you feel like!

Here is a small sneak peek of one of the charts:

weight chart

The first newsletter is set to come out this Sunday and will feature an abundance of behind-the-scenes information, inspiration, stories, and many more. Here are some of the newsletter highlights that you can look forward to receiving each week:

  • New this week: Recap of what we released this past week.
  • Special Inside Look: What we are working on to release soon!
  • Behind the Scenes Project: A look at this week’s project.
  • Tricks & Tips: Seasonal/holiday tips and tricks for healthy living, helpful links or websites/apps, helpful articles, etc.
  • Advice Column! Ask me anything, advice or specific tips you would like to see highlighted in an upcoming newsletter or in my blog.
  • Exclusive Discounts: Occasionally (likely once a month) you will receive exclusive discounts on products, current products as well as new products that I release.
  • And… a monthly freebie! Once a month you will get a free download through our newsletter! This is an exclusive item that only my newsletter subscribers will receive! This and the exclusive discounts are my gifts for you for just signing up for my newsletter!



P.S. Don’t worry because if you don’t like what you see, whether it be the download or the newsletter itself, you can always unsubscribe!

Want more free downloads? Check out this blog post about a FREE Getting Started Weight Loss Workbook!

FREE Weight Loss Workbook

weight loss workbook

Getting started can sometimes be the hardest part of improving your health and losing weight. Sure the motivation to lose weight may be the strongest in the beginning, but that will not carry over on its own. It wanes pretty fast for some of us.

That is why I have created a workbook designed to fire up your long-term motivation when you are first out of the gate. One that will give you a great baseline that can carry you a lot further than just getting started on your own.

These are some of the things that got me started on the right foot and I wanted to share them with you all. Even if you’re not “just starting,” and you’re just at some point in your journey where it’s getting tough for you for any number of reasons, this could be a good tool for you! And it’s free, so what could it hurt to try it?

All you have to do is click the download link and save. I suggest saving the document to work in on a computer and printing it to work with a pen as well, for best results, but it’s up to you and how you work best. If you prefer one way over the other, then that’s the way you should do it. Personally, I love both. I love my technology but it is also so refreshing to sit down with paper and pen and just let the muse take me away.

Follow this link: Downloads and click on the button below the workbook. (This is the new version, a second and better version I released on October 20th).

Feel free to send me a message, if you’d like. However, it’s not required in order to download the workbook. If you can’t get the link above to work, you can send me an email and I will send you the workbook directly. Thank you!


P.S. Check out my goals e-course: Goals to Become the Best You. It is a step-by-step guide with my help and assistance to make and pursue goals in a way that works for you! We have all felt discouraged or unmotivated to meet our goals. The trick is knowing how to go about your goals in a manner that can fuel you to move forward! Included is a 16 page workbook + guide, separate resources, and personal help through the community in the course. All this for the low introductory price of $30!

Freebie Friday- FREE Vacation Tips for Weight Loss


Vacations are a ton of fun. The anticipation alone in the time leading up to it is just so exciting that we can’t possibly contain ourselves!

While we’re focusing on weight loss though, vacations can be a bittersweet event. We all know it’s super easy to gain weight while on vacation… simply thinking of all of that food, the foods easily available and the foods that are not available that we’ve been relying on to lose weight, can be enough to make you want to give up on your weight loss goals while away from home. Not to mention the serious lack of exercise options compared to what we’re used to in our controlled home environment. It can be our worst nightmare in this sense.

I want you to be rest assured, because there are indeed options available to you and there is a way to minimize the effects of weight gain while on vacation. Ideally you will break even, not gaining but also not losing. However, these tips are simply designed to help you to not come back with a lot of extra weight. These tips are what I found to work for me in the past year while making vacationing fit into my new healthy lifestyle.

vacation tips

Along the theme of the rest of my blog, we all have to find what will work for us and tailor these tips to our specific vacation and needs.

Disclaimer: If you do your best on vacation, eating pretty well and getting as much exercise as you can, you still may come back with water weight from traveling. It’s an unfortunate side effect. So don’t be discouraged. It’s normal and the water weight will come off with a little time!


To receive the freebie, simply click on “Freebies and Newsletters” at the top and follow the link to download from my direct website!

You can contact me here as well, but only if you’d like:

(edited 10/19/2015)

Coming soon… A Goals E-course + Workbook for $30! Stay tuned, I will be posting about this by the end of the week (October 24th)!