How to Create a Life You Enjoy Living

This is my life… my story… my book. I will no longer let anyone else write it; nor will I apologize for the edits I make.
-Steve Maraboli

What is life if not worth living?

The truth is, you really can change your life to one that you enjoy living… at least most of the time. No one’s life is perfect but we all have the power to make our lives better.

A lot of this power of change might very well include shifting your mental energy to better things and/or things you can actually change. So fair warning: this isn’t some magical or easy answer to live your dream life. After all, if it were, I would have been doing so in my own life for a while now.

Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we’ll ever do.
-Brene Brown

The good news is that you can OWN your life and shape it to be something you actually enjoy living. Here I will share with you some things that I have personally learned in my pursuit to a better life for myself:

First of all, remember that you are worth this and you deserve a life you can enjoy living.
You are worth living a life you find satisfying and rewarding. It will take quite a bit of work, and a lot of mentality changes, but it is so very possible.

Realize that your idea of a life that’s satisfying and rewarding may be quite different than others’ idea of that life.
This is your life. It isn’t up to them how you live it. Don’t let others’ opinions poison your mind and make you doubt your abilities. You are powerful and a force to be reckoned with. You have so many more options open to you than you can even see right now. Open your mind to them. If other people don’t like it, then they can just deal with it or move on.

Think about what you really want out of life, either long-term or short-term, or even both.
What do you want your life to look like? What do you want your future to hold? Consider what your biggest dreams are right now. Don’t limit yourself to what you feel is possible for you right now. Like I mentioned above, there are so many more options available to you than you can see right now and you never know what you can accomplish until you set out to do it!

Weigh the pros and cons to your decisions. Can you really imagine living your life if you follow through with that decision?
Considering the good and the bad that could result from each decision you make. Is that decision really worth making when you consider the negatives that may come from it? Sometimes the positives actually outweigh the negatives or the sacrifice is worth what you get in return. Thinking in these terms for bigger decisions, and sometimes even smaller ones, can really make a difference. At the very least, it makes you think twice before taking a plunge.

Make goals that are actually reachable and allow you time to pursue them, and then craft a plan to meat the goal(s).
I wasn’t lying when I mentioned that you shouldn’t only consider possible for yourself. However, in order to pursue your goals, they still need to be realistic for you and your circumstances. You can make plans to make some goals fit into your life, while others may be a dream to hold off for another time. Think of the resources you have at your disposal right now or that you could possibly use. Wherever there’s a will, there’s a way!

Take action because none of this means much if you don’t actually take any action to achieve it.
Make plans and prepare, but also take action. All the preparation in the world will mean nothing if you don’t move forward with those plans. You may have to start before you’re ready and that’s okay. Some of it will have to be figured out as you go along because you can’t possibly see the whole path all at once.

Scale back on the negatives… Cut anything out of your life that sucks energy away from you or makes you miserable.
There is no space in your life for the negatives. Those people, tasks, or things in your life that suck energy away from you and leave you depleted… whatever you can let go of, do it! It’s not worth holding onto those things if they are keeping you from the life you want (and sometimes need) to live. Some of these things will be okay without you and some of them may not. However, your wellbeing is more important than most of them if you truly consider it. I’m not saying chuck important things from your life, by any means, but dispose of anything that you can that causes you misery.

Grow the positives- focus on any and all positives.
Along the same lines as the point above, focus on any and all positives and elaborate on them. Make those positives the center of your life and your life will begin to take shape around them as if they are the most important thing. It takes time but it certainly helps!

I wish to live a life that causes my soul to dance inside my body.
-Dele Olanubi

So I ask you, what do you really want from your life? Do you think it’s really possible?



10 Ways to Get Your Steps in No Matter What

When the weather is less than ideal, or you’re stuck inside for some other reason, it can be tough to get those steps in. The good news is that there are lots of ways you can get your steps in!

Don’t give up because you can still get those steps in. Make it fun and challenge yourself, or a friend, to get in as many steps as you can. The Fitbit app allows you to start and join challenges such as these and is an awesome way to keep that motivation alive! Or you can simply take a picture of your pedometer and post it on Facebook, send it to a friend you want to challenge, etc. Make it work for you and have fun with it!

Here are some of my favorite ways to get my steps in when I’m stuck indoors:

  1. Treadmill or elliptical: If you have access to one or both of these machines, they can be a wonderful way to get your steps in where it’s warmer and more comfortable. You can make it more interesting by listening to music, watching videos, creating a photo album on your phone of motivating pictures, or browsing Pinterest for inspiration!
  2. Pacing through your house or other indoor setting: This works anywhere you have the ability to walk back and forth. Your house, a game or other event your child has, while your children play indoors, etc. It can be done almost anywhere and almost anytime.
  3. Walking in place: Again this can work anywhere and anytime. You can walk in place while your children play nearby, while you watch an entertaining TV show or movie, while you listen to music, folding laundry, etc.
  4. Indoor walking videos: Leslie Sansone, on demand fitness videos, etc. Almost everyone has a walking video of some sort out these days. Even Biggest Loser has a Power Walking DVD.
  5. Store or mall walking: Walking the aisles of a store or walking cycles around a mall might be slower going unless they aren’t busy at the time, but is a great way to get those steps in while keeping warm and safe. Just try to avoid those food aisles if it’s too much temptation. Some good ideas where there isn’t much food for sale include home improvement stores, office supply stores, electronics stores, etc.
  6. Indoor walking tracks: These are not available everywhere, but typically in an area where weather is bad there should be at least one option. It could also be a mall that someone has mapped a route around or a high school gymnasium.
  7. Run after or play with the little ones in your life: If you have any young children in your life, simply chasing after them and/or playing with them can really give you a workout… and help you accumulate those steps!
  8. Dancing: You can dance anywhere. Not only does this get your heart rate up, but it also adds up to plenty of steps! The good news is that you don’t have to have any fancy dance moves for it. Just go with the flow and dance to your favorite music. Dance like no one’s watching, as the saying goes!
  9. Be inefficient as you go about your day: Take multiple trips to do housework or to get items you need from different areas of the house. Take clothing from your laundry basket to the washer one at a time, and then from the dryer to where you want to fold them one at a time. Carry in those groceries one bag at a time.
  10. Short walking bursts outdoors: Too cold to be outside more than 5-15 minutes? Walk to your nearest corner and back, or walk five minutes out and five minutes back. Go at your own pace and set a five-minute timer if you need to, so that you know when to turn back again. Short bursts outdoors should be okay and if that sun is shining, you are getting the added benefit of Vitamin D which is something many of us can lack in the winter!



Winter Motivation Tips

This is Part 3 in a series about Winter Health and Fitness. You can find Part 1 here: Winter Fitness Tips and Part 2 here: Winter Healthy Comfort Tips.

Today I am discussing ways to keep your motivation strong throughout winter. Here are some tips that have helped me presently as well as last year:

  1. Keep your eyes on the goal: keep focused on your WHY:
    Why you want to lose weight, but also why doing your best throughout the winter to lose weight and improve your health is so important to you personally. What are you most looking forward to this coming spring or summer? Would you like to be healthier and be able to enjoy it even more?
  2. Think about each event coming up and focus on each one at a time:
    Holidays, seasons themselves, events, vacations, etc. Any kind of special occasion you’re looking forward to or have a party for. Use it to your advantage to keep you focused and on track.
  3. Stay focused on your goals:
    Think about your short-term goals. Make weekly and/or monthly goals that will help you stay focused on the here and now. If you have a long-term goal, breaking it into smaller and more manageable goals that you can focus on weekly will help immensely. That way you have something to look forward to but aren’t overwhelming yourself.
  4. Find supportive support:
    Having support is pretty important, but having the right support is even more important. Make sure you are choosing people that will support you and have your back no matter what. If you don’t have those kinds of people in your life already, try online support such as SparkPeople. You can find all kinds of support there: chat forum (even on the mobile app), friends, blogging feedback. Of course take everything with a grain of salt because where there are people, there are going to be negative nellies or just downright troublemakers.
  5. Create a motivation board just for winter:
    Have you ever heard of a “vision board?” Well, I prefer to call mine a motivation board because that’s how I see it. I fully plan on making a winter motivation board for short-term visualization purposes and have even started collecting pictures for it. So I encourage you to include all the things that motivate you: pictures, certain words/phrases, or other items that symbolize your WHY.
  6. Create and/or work on your Weight Loss Journal:
    There are so many ways to go about this and you can include anything at all that you want to. You should include the things that motivate and inspire you, as well as including some of your accomplishments. You can also include your progress pictures here, letters to yourself, descriptions of your healthy living goals and dreams or experiences themselves, pictures of things you like that represent healthy living. Starting my own weight loss journal saved me last winter. It helped keep me motivated and was very therapeutic to work on.


Some general life tips for getting through winter as well:

  • Do things you enjoy doing: read a good book, go to an indoor game place such as an arcade or bowling alley, go ice skating… just do anything fun that makes you excited and happy!
  • Keep warm: If you have a fireplace, sit in front of it or roast some marshmallows. Pretend you’re camping in your own living room. Remember what it was like to be a kid! Drink hot beverages (caloric ones in moderation), snuggle up with the pets/loved ones, get moving to get the blood flowing, etc.
  • Get out once in a while. If you’re like me, you might spend too much time indoors. So if you need to get out, get out. If the weather is bad, go somewhere indoors: the library, a mall, bowling alley/pool hall/arcade or something else, or simply make an enjoyable outing of your trip to the grocery store.
  • Sit and breathe. Focus on your breathing. Close your eyes and let your thoughts take you wherever they want… but guide them with positive vibes/thoughts. I guess you could call this meditating in a sense. I’m not sure about “meditating” myself but definitely enjoy a quiet moment just being.
  • Keep your hands and mind busy: Board games, puzzles, word searches/crossword puzzles/Sudoku, online games especially ones you need to play with actual people, active video games, and much much more!


What is your favorite way to combat the winter blues? Would you like to share any tips on keeping motivated to maintain a healthy lifestyle during the colder and darker months?


Winter Healthy Comfort Tips

This is Part 2 in my series of Winter Health and Fitness Tips!

(Here is Part 1: “Winter Fitness Tips” if you want to check it out!)

Here are some warm comfort foods that are healthy, or at least lower calorie:

  • Hot cocoa, add in some mini marshmallows which are low calorie and you’ve got yourself a treat!
  • Coffee, just be sure what you’re adding to it is low in calories and not high sugar/fat. Some ideas are nut milks, cinnamon, and honey.
  • Hot tea (same goes for what you add as above).
  • Warm milk
  • Oatmeal or cream of wheat
  • Toast or English muffin: as long as you don’t put a ton of butter or something else on your them, whole grain/wheat toast is a healthy warm food. English muffins are also somewhat lower in calories than some other breakfast foods and if you toast them can also make a nice comforting, warm food.
  • Soups (make sure to check the nutrition label for sodium though!)
  • Grilled cheese sandwiches with whole grain/wheat bread and minimal butter.
  • Chili: ground turkey chili, chicken chili, meatless chili.
  • Baked sweet potatoes
  • Healthy lasagna (the opportunities are endless with this, look for some recipes).
  • Meatloaf made healthily, again there are many recipes for this online.
  • Crockpot meals: there are so many recipes out there for this as well.
  • Popcorn (yes, popcorn is a healthier snack choice than some snacks, just be careful of all the additives such as butter or salt).

It’s good to spend some time just chilling too: curling up with a good book and a hot cup of your choice beverage. That is an ultimate comfort for a lot of us. So cozy! Time spent putting your own wellbeing first is time well spent, and very healthy. You can also cuddle with pets, your kids, or other loved ones. I love snuggling with my nephews on a cold morning, it helps warm me warm up faster and also keeps them warm which is true of pets and other loved ones as well. It’s a mutually beneficial activity!

The more you move, the warmer you’ll feel. Of course this is only temporary, but at least you’re killing two birds with one stone: getting warmer and burning calories! Plus you also get things done as well, which means you’re multitasking, such as cleaning or other housework or even getting your exercise in!

Imagine popping in a good movie to watch, with a bowl of popcorn (portioned out so you know how much you’re eating)… maybe even some hot tea or coffee to drink… curled up with loved ones or even by yourself. So comfortable and cozy!

What is your favorite way to stay warm and feel cozy during the winter? Mine is curling up with a book and just letting the story take me away. It helps me to not think of the freezing weather outside!



P.S. If you want to make 2016 your best year yet, check out my New Year’s product: Best Year for the Best You 2016 Package. It’s up for pre-order right now for a limited time price of $259! It will be going up to full price once it’s released on December 17th, but if you order it now, you’re saving sixty dollars and you will receive the full package on the release date! If you purchase from this link, your card won’t be charged until the day it’s released!

Winter Fitness Tips

This is Part 1 in a series about Winter Health and Fitness.

(And here is Part 2: “Winter Healthy Comfort Tips” if you want to check that out as well!)

Today I am bringing you winter fitness tips. It can be quite hard to continue your exercise plan as the weather gets colder and colder. You’re used to warm weather and being able to get out more. Now all of a sudden it’s dark earlier, cutting your available exercise time even shorter. Not to mention the chilly air and low temperatures. Those can really present a challenge for many of us.

  • First of all, if you’re going to exercise outdoors, bundle up and layer your clothes too. I personally like to do a tee shirt, long sleeve shirt, sweatshirt, and a coat when it’s super cold. Also try leggings under your pants, or use thermal underwear to wear under your clothes. Plus a hat, gloves, and scarf as necessary.
    • Ideally you should get exercise clothes that wick away moisture (sweat) to keep you warmer. However, if you’re like me and even bundled up can’t manage to spend much time outside, regular clothes work just fine.
  • If it’s icy outside, be extra careful. Shoes with good traction in the treads are necessary, maybe even good fitting snow boots specifically for walks in the snow/ice would be beneficial. Walking sticks might be a good option as well.
Now obviously you can choose to exercise indoors as well:
  • Join a gym. If you want to and can afford it, this is a valid option. Weigh the pros and cons though. If you feel you really will go and will make it a priority, then invest. If not, then choose some alternative exercise options. You don’t want to waste money.
  • Exercise videos: stock up on exercise videos that interest you, either physical DVDs/discs or online subscription, or even free services such as On Demand or YouTube!
  • Dance around your house. You can do this anytime, with children or pets or some other loved one… or even by yourself! It’s very versatile. You can even dance with or without music. Let the moves just carry you away.
  • Walking in place. You can do this almost literally anywhere. If you have pedometer or fitness tracker, set a goal for yourself… or set a time minimum instead. Use the timer on your phone to make sure you’re moving for a certain amount of time.
  • Get more steps in everyday life. Be “inefficient.” Take extra steps to accomplish your daily chores in order to increase your activity. Instead of grabbing as much as you can to carry in one trip (such as laundry or grocery bags), take them one at a time. It adds up, trust me!
  • Small equipment: Dumbbells, resistance bands, kettlebells, hula hoops, mini trampoline, step up stool, a small stepper, and sometimes even a stationary bike are smaller and take up less room to store in your house except at times of use.
  • Clean or organize! You can certainly work up quite a sweat and get your heartrate up just by cleaning and organizing your house. Clean and organize in stages if necessary, but use the things you don’t do on a daily or weekly basis as exercise! Plus all extra activity is a great idea and good for your health! It’s hard work physically and you also get the added bonus of a clean and orderly house!
  • Mall walking. Grab a friend to go walking around the mall just to get your walking in… or even go by yourself! Depending on the size of your mall, you can get quite a few steps in just walking a couple loops!


There you have it, some tips to at least get you started and/or get the mental juices flowing.

Do you have a plan for winter exercise? If so, what is it? If not, do these tips help you?


How to Make 2016 Your Best Year Yet

If you’re seriously ready to make 2016 your best year yet, your year to lose weight and improve your health, then my Best Year for the Best You 2016 Package just might be perfect for you! I am including everything I feel you would need to do what I have done: to lose weight, get healthier, and to stick with it long-term! It’s on pre-order and will be delivered to you on December 17th by 6pm CST if you order it now!

Instead of just one tool, you are getting so many tools: 12 total tools in this package. All for the pre-order price of $259 until it’s released! So get it before it raises back up to full price!

See more details by clicking here: Best Year for the Best You 2016 Package.

You get one full year of support + motivation help! What it includes:

  • All inclusive goals + motivation (worth $69):
    • Organizing for Weight Loss 7 Day Startup
    • 30 Day Kickstart into the Year
    • 12 Monthly Goals booklet with ability to break down into weekly goals as well
    • 12 Monthly Calendars to record whatever you like: steps taken each day, calories in vs. calories out, water ounces or cups, type of exercise, etc.
    • 365 Days of Inspiration: Quotes + Words of Wisdom for each day of the year
    • 52 Weekly Journal Prompts to help you visualize your dreams and review your goals to keep your eyes on the prize!
    • Goals to Become the Best You e-course, complete with a community for continued support!
  • How to Make Lasting Changes eBook and Kit (worth $39):
    • How to Make Lasting Changes eBook
      • Here I will share all of the things I learned during my weight loss journey so far and teach you how to stick with it in your own weight loss journey!
    • Empowering Yourself Workbook
    • Exercise Handbook
  • One Year of Support (worth $199):
    • Monthly Group Coaching Conference lasting 2-3 hours and full of helpful information, tips, and support! Not to mention a Q+A at the end of each.
    • Monthly Digest: a mini magazine delivered directly to your email inbox on the first of each month for a whole year, full of motivational articles.
  • Forever Support (worth $12):
    • Facebook Private Group access, where you can meet others with similar goals and converse freely.
    • Google+ community where you can also interact with others with similar goals!
  • Bonuses:
    • How to Survive Winter Guide
    • How to create a motivation board
    • How to create a weight loss journal that works for you
    • How to motivate yourself on a daily with one simple daily tip
    • Invitation to join a Pinterest Quotes community board with healthy living related quotes

All of this is worth $319! However, you get this whole package for a half-price Black Friday + Cyber Monday deal for $159 between now and 11:59pm CST tonight! Grab it while it’s at such a low and hot price!

The Black Friday + Cyber Monday deal is over now, but this package is selling for a special pre-order price of $259 which is 20% off of it’s full retail price. You’re saving sixty dollars if you buy it before then. Using the link below, you will not be charged until the package is released on December 17th!

Click here to see more information on the pre-order page: Best Year for the Best You 2016 Package

As the saying goes, sharing is caring! Do you know someone who might find this package useful? Share this post or gift the package to a friend you know will appreciate it! Help them improve their life too!



Black Friday

Super exciting news that I haven’t been able to wait to tell you… Best Year for the Best You 2016, my New Year’s product is now up for pre-sell. What does that mean exactly? You get to pre-order it, at a really low price and it will be delivered directly to you as soon as it debuts!

Here is more information:

If you’re seriously ready to make 2016 your best year yet… your year to lose weight and get healthy, then this package just might be perfect to help you achieve that! I am including everything I believe you need to do what I have done: to lose weight, get healthier, and to stick with it!
Instead of just one tool, you are getting SO MANY tools, 12 total! All for a special Black Friday + Cyber Monday deal of $159! Once this package is released, it will go to it’s original price. So purchase it for 50% off now and it will be delivered to you on December 17th by 6pm US Central Standard Time!
This comprehensive package will get you started and help you continue throughout 2016! I have included whole host of printable tools, eBooks, workbooks, guides, as well as support tools. Whenever you are having trouble, you will have something to rely on that will help inspire or motivate you to keep moving forward. With all of these tools, you will also be learning how to sustain this momentum on your own in the future. That is the biggest goal, to be self-reliant and to pursue health and fitness.
Included is 1 year of support, inspiration, and tools to keep you going:
  • All inclusive goals:
    • 30 Day Kickstart into the Year
    • 12 monthly goals printables
    • 12 months of calendars to record your daily goal progress
    • Picturing the Year Workbook
    • Goals to Become the Best You e-course complete with a community feature for support!
    • 365 Days of Inspiration (Quotes + Words of Wisdom for each day of the year)
    • 52 Weekly Journal Prompts to help you review your dreams and goals throughout the year
  • How to Make Lasting Changes eBook & Kit
    • How to Make Lasting Changes eBook where I share all of the things I learned during my weight loss journey so far and teach you how to stick with it in your own weight loss journey!
    • Empowering Yourself Workbook
    • Exercise Handbook
    • Organizing for Weight Loss 7 Day Challenge
  • One Year of Support:
    • Monthly Group Coaching Conference lasting 2-3 hours and full of helpful information, tips, and support!
    • Monthly Digest Mini Magazine delivered directly to your email inbox on the first of each month for a whole year!
  • Forever Support:
    • Facebook Private Group with continued access, where you can meet others with similar goals and converse freely.
    • Google+ community where you can also interact with others.

All this is worth $319! However, you get this whole package for a very low Black Friday + Cyber Monday deal of $159 between now and Monday night! Grab it while it’s at such a low, and hot price!

Purchase here: BetheBestYou Store and you will get the whole package delivered to you in three weeks, on December 17th!

Click the buttons below to share this post! As the saying goes, sharing is caring! Don’t let others miss out on these deals!


New Year’s Product & Black Friday Sale Coming Soon

New Year’s is only six weeks away. Are you ready to make 2016 your best year ever?

If you’re not sure where to start or would like something to help guide you, I am working on a New Year’s product for you which will include:

  • 31 Day Best You Kickstart
  • 12 Monthly Goals Printables
  • 365 Days of Inspiration
  • Tips Sheet to Make Changes Stick
  • Goals to Become the Best You workbook + guide
  • Empower Yourself Workbook
  • Picturing the Year Workbook
  • Getting Started Workbook (expanded version)
  • Getting Started Printable Checklists of various helpful tools and shopping lists
  • Other helpful guides and information to help you throughout the year

There will be different packages of this, or the whole package altogether, depending on what you need help with or want to purchase. Keep your eyes open because I will be announcing more about this product in a couple weeks and should be releasing it mid-December so that you can get a head start before the New Year even starts!

These are all tried and true methods, plus inspirational tools that will help you throughout the year. They are all tools, methods, and information that I have found helpful in my own weight loss journey.

I made 2015 my best year so far, and I’m ready to make 2016 even better! I have things planned and dreams I want to shoot for. I’m not going to let anything stand in my way and neither should you!

Speaking of planning and dreams… My Goals to Become the Best You e-course is still open for enrollment! I will be having a 48-hour Black Friday sale on it slashing the price in half! The sale will start Thursday night so keep your eyes out for Tuesday’s blog post!

If you have problems sticking to your goals or get discouraged easily, this course is definitely for you! The workbook + guide provided in the course will walk you through a step-by-step process to create and pursue goals that work for you. You will be able to work through it at your own pace while also having the added benefit of individual help through the Community within. If you have any questions or need help with anything, you will be able to post to the Community and I will check in regularly to help you out!

goals ecourse mockups
Click this link to visit the course website to see more information: Goals to Become the Best You

This workbook + guide is also available separately and will also be on sale for half off for the same 48-hour period! Here is the website where that is posted so you can read a bit more about it as well: Goals to Become the Best You workbook + guide.

I am even posting the lesson list right here so you know what you can expect to learn from it:

  1. Setting Realistic Goals
  2. Setting Adequate Timeframes
  3. Setting Milestone Goals
  4. Keeping Your Eyes on the Prize
  5. Adjusting
  6. Moving Forward No Matter What
  7. Troubleshooting (as needed)
  8. Reflection
  9. Recovery
  10. Celebrate!
  11. Making New Goals
  12. BONUS: Reach for the Stars!

I will be posting the special 50% off code for these products on Tuesday, so keep your eyes peeled for that!



P.S. There might even be another new product and smaller sale on other items… So make sure to visit my blog on Tuesday!

How to Beat the Winter Blahs

Yes, I’m aware it’s not even winter yet, but it has been getting colder this month for many of us. Some areas of the country (and world) are colder than others, but temperatures have been dropping all over the place.

When it gets cold, sometimes our first instinct is to stay inside and curl up in bed. Sometimes it is so pronounced that we actually get the “winter blahs.” Seeing gloomy, cloudy, and windy weather makes me personally want to curl up under some blankets and cuddle with my cat… or sit and read nonstop while sipping my coffee. I don’t want to do anything!

I know I’m not alone in this. What is it that causes so many of us to have such a drastic reaction to cold weather? Maybe some kind of survival mechanism or our bodies instinctual reaction to cold… who knows? I’m sure there is some kind of scientific theory for this, but I don’t care to find it because either way, my purpose here is to share some tips with you all about how to beat these winter blahs.

Plan some active projects for yourself. Start cleaning and organizing the house. Shovel snow, if necessary. Prepare your yard/garden for winter: put things in your shed or indoors, cover what you can’t put away, transfer plants indoors, etc. Motivate yourself to get out for walks or runs before it gets too cold to be enjoyable. Anything active that gives you purpose.

Listen to upbeat music. This is sometimes my favorite way to get motivated to workout, and works really well when it’s cold. Nothing gets you excited like your favorite, upbeat music. It makes you want to dance or simply move! So turn it up and dance for your workout or just use it to get you inspired to do another workout!

Read some books about weight loss such as health, nutrition, or fitness topics. These types of books will help you learn more about weight loss while also getting you pumped to do what you need to do in order to lose weight and improve your health. Valuable information + inspiration, you can’t beat that!

On the book topic, read a book about characters that are active in some form. This could mean fighting an apocalypse type scenario, a sporty character, crime fighting, etc. Believe it or not, I found reading the Divergent series motivational with all the physical training the characters went through, as well as the fighting for their lives part. Those kinds of books aren’t for everyone but it was interesting while I read it.

Any books about a character pursuing their dreams. You want to pursue your dream of weight loss and improved health, which means a book about someone pursuing their dreams (especially against all odds) may inspire you to chase your own dream.

Read some weight loss related magazines or blogs. There are some really inspiring and motivational magazines, as well as blogs, out there. Peruse them when you’re in a slump or just in the mood to read. They will inspire you to do what you need to do to lose weight and improve your health. They might also give you some ideas and information you didn’t have before!

Simply get moving. Walk around your house and clean things up a bit. Look for lost items. Do anything remotely active that gets the blood and mental juices flowing in the right direction.

Remind yourself that moving helps you get and stay warm. It’s true, moving around helps you get and stay warm, with all the blood pumping through your veins while you’re being active. It helps a ton!

Use the time to write. Journal, blog, just write. It’s not only therapeutic, but writing out your thoughts and feelings can actually motivate you to act! It helps you process everything and convince yourself to get moving!

Bundle up. If all else fails, bundle up and force yourself out the door… into the cold! Once you get moving and are out there for a little while, you will warm up and you may even have fun getting your fitness in. Not to mention the sheer feeling of triumph once you’ve completed a workout you didn’t feel like doing in the first place!

What is your game plan for cold weather or winter? Do you have one? Planning ahead really helps because then you know what you need to do in each situation. Sometimes the I don’t want to do anything in the cold feeling will win, but if you have a plan then YOU will win more often than not!

If you find it difficult to make and pursue your goals, or you get discouraged easily, then my Goals to Become the Best You $30 e-course is for you! You can find it here: goals e-course or purchase the goals workbook + guide for $15 by itself here: workbook + guide. Both will allow you to work at your own pace with the workbook + guide, a step-by-step process to make and pursue your goals in a way that works for you! The e-course has an added bonus of a Community where you can ask for individual help as needed. The workbook + guide is an independent product.

If you need personalized help to keep you motivated through the winter months, I also offer Personalized Coaching. You can learn more about it and get started with a free email coaching consultation after reading my blog post about it here: Now Open for Personalized Coaching. It is like having a coach to motivate you and an accountability partner all rolled into one, someone who has been there and done that and can help you find a way to make it all work for you!


The Secret of Success: Celebrate Your Victories

Back in my Celebrate Your Victories blog post a few weeks ago, I made a point that we should really take the time to celebrate all of our victories whether they are big or small. If you are trying to lose weight, you may think “Well, I’ll reward myself when I lose X pounds.” Yeah, do that! However, you should also celebrate the non-weight related goals… and maybe put even more emphasis on these!

Did you eat 5 fruits and vegetables today? Celebrate that! It’s a huge accomplishment and takes amazing willpower. I for one don’t accomplish that as often as I would like to so I admire anyone who does it even for one day!

Did you make it through a hard workout without quitting? Workouts are hard, period. An intense one is even tougher to make it through because there may be multiple moments where you would absolutely love to quit! If you pushed through a hard workout without quitting, give yourself a big pat on the back!

Have you eaten within your calorie range for the first time, or have you eaten within your calorie range for a certain amount of days in a row? This is another feat! Go crazy, do a little dance for your accomplishment!

Are you starting a new exercise routine? Starting a new exercise routine is sometimes a hard thing to get motivated for, it’s new and it’s scary. Reward yourself for motivating yourself to start a new one and change things up!

Have you tried a new healthy food recently? Another new and scary experience is trying a new healthy food. What if you don’t like it? You’re spending money on something you don’t even know if you like. But how will you know if you don’t take a risk? Whether you end up liking this new food or not, give yourself a figurative high-five for putting your taste buds out there!

Did you push through and do your workout even if you weren’t “feeling it?” Good for you. Celebrate! Your a rockstar for pushing through and just doing it!

Did you push harder during a workout you’ve been doing for a while and just cruising along with? Another good reason to celebrate because that is not easy, to raise yourself up a level and give your workout your all!

One day you notice you feel stronger and healthier… Woohoo! Yeah, that is a great result! Celebrate it and tell the world or have a mini party! Those are the kinds of results you are working so hard to achieve.

Really, the list of non-weight related accomplishments are endless. You decide what you feel is a victory in your journey. It’s you who is living it and you who you need to keep motivated!

Your next question might be… How should I celebrate?

Here are a few ways that I have used or seen others use:

  • Let loose and just dance! Turn Some upbeat music on and dance your heart away.
  • Get your hair or nails done, pamper yourself!
  • Window shop for a bigger goal reward.
  • Spend some extra time alone or putting yourself first, and don’t let yourself feel guilty about it.
  • Buy something you have been eyeing for a while.
  • Watch your favorite TV show and just relax.
  • Go check a book out from the library that you’ve been meaning to read, and make time to read it. You deserve it!
  • Call a friend you haven’t talked to in a while. This is so good for the soul!
  • Go for a drive with some new scenery if possible.
  • Dress up and go out, even if it’s not somewhere fancy.

Again, the list for rewards and ways to celebrate is endless. What do you like to do that you rarely make time for? Make time for it now to reward yourself or simply celebrate a job well done. You deserve to pamper yourself in some way, big or small, for your hard work.

What are some of your recent non-weight related accomplishments? And what do you like to do to celebrate those accomplishments?